What does a thermal cycler device do?

The thermal cycler (also known as a thermocycler, PCR machine or DNA amplifier) is a laboratory apparatus most commonly used to amplify segments of DNA via the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Thermal cyclers may also be used in laboratories to facilitate other temperature-sensitive reactions, including restriction enzyme digestion or rapid diagnostics. The device has a thermal block with holes where tubes holding the reaction mixtures can be inserted. The cycler then raises and lowers the temperature of the block in discrete, pre-programmed steps.

The polymerase chain reaction process is spread across three steps, with the assistance of five essential reagents. The steps include:




The five essential reagents include:

DNA template

DNA Polymerase


dNTPs(Deoxynucleotide triphosphate)

PCR Buffer

After the initial denaturation is performed, the three main steps are repeated until millions of copies of a target DNA sequence exist.

Maxilab Biotechnology MS3-MaxiPCR96 Gradient Thermal Cycler, PCR instrument
MS3-MaxiPCR96 Gradient Thermal Cycler, PCR instrument

Maxilab Biotechnology MS3-MaxiPCR32 Mini Gradient Thermal Cycler, PCR instrument

MS3-MaxiPCR32 Mini Gradient Thermal Cycler, PCR instrument

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